Monday 10 June 2013

A Ming Chicken Water Dropper

As per previous entry, the same seller brought out this wonderful, perfect (no chips nor hairline cracks) chicken water dropper. This item presumably came from the same burial site in that out-of-the-way island here in the Philippines. 

From the shape, the color, the luster of its glaze and the overall appearance, this chicken water dropper must be from the late Ming period.  Yes, it’s indeed Min Yao (People’s Ware) but its rarity and condition makes this item truly a collector’s piece. 

Other similar examples have been published in past catalogues while those at the online market like Trocadero have already been snapped up. One was selling this for $450.  Fortunately, I got this with the entire lot of diggings and my seller was already desperate in unloading her items (since she has to take the bus to her barrio).  I had to offer her something even if I was not in the itchy mood to acquire another ceramic piece.  In the end, I am glad I got her lot.  

From The Williams Collection of East Asian Ceramics Catalogue, Detroit Institute of Arts:

Antiquing. More Fun In The Philippines.  

Offers are welcome via email.